meta - phorical / amphetamine

Stream of good chemicals, coursing through my veins, tickling my nerves.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

For the wannabe king of pickled and dried plums

Dukey, thanks for the birthday wish. You rock! :) As for your meme, it's reached a Cul-de-sac unfortunately. So, here are my answers...

Seven Songs that Say Something to Shaun

  1. Tool - Vicarious
  2. Vast - Pretty When You Cry
  3. Audioslave - Be Yourself
  4. Mylo - Paris Four Hundred
  5. The Crystal Method - Wild, Sweet and Cool.
  6. Royksopp - So Easy
  7. Freshly Ground - I'd like

Strange that most of these songs remind me of someone or something special.


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