meta - phorical / amphetamine

Stream of good chemicals, coursing through my veins, tickling my nerves.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Thought, word and deed.

How often does thought become word? How often does thought become deed without the word.

I'm stuck at word. All thought and word, but little deed. Often I think about deed, and so I say so. Often I just think without word.

One such thought has been plaguing my mind for a while now, but I dare not make it a word, or maybe not even a deed. If I talk about it, I am helpless. If I act upon that thought, I am beyond help. Instead, it's trapped inside as a thought, a word and a deed. The thought of a word, the thought of the deed.

Care to guess what my thought is?


  • At 9:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i'm sure it's something profound. Enlighten me.


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