meta - phorical / amphetamine

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Ignorance > Islam

This is something I just want to get off my chest. Here in the land of the "free" they have a keen distaste for islamic people. Granted, its a sweeping generalisation, but it still occurs. Here in the land of the "liberated", terrorism is associated with Islam. People, please, get it in your media-tuned minds that just because a bunch of fundamentalists cause a country so much grief, doesn't mean that the religion they so unshamelessly bastadardised is evil too. In fact, I'd say many western civilists have much to learn about such rich and devoted religions as Islam and Buddhism.

Here, if you're a "towel-head", even Indian, you're going to be repressed. So much for the land of the "free" eh? Talk about double standards.

One question remains though: Why? Why the WTC in the most cosmopolitan city in the states? I've never seen so many South and Central Americans, Pakistanis and Hindus in one city. If you want to bomb america, at least do a good job and get rid of the towers of untruth in the form of media magnates and the towers of such sick "liberties" as the pr0n industry. Ask yourself Why America.

As for this shazbot debacle in the form of elections, who the hell does a red-neck or a banker vote for? You have George "Dubya" Bush (what kinda nickname is that - testament to the bastardisation of the western civilised), or even John Kerry. Not a great list of candidates eh? Frankly, as Gareth says, I would vote against Bush rather than voting for Kerry.

I'm so glad I don't live here.


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