meta - phorical / amphetamine

Stream of good chemicals, coursing through my veins, tickling my nerves.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Trying new things

In about 30 mins time, I'll be off to Illovo, to attend my first session at the Chatillon Institute. Sounds complicated, but basically Monsieur de Chatillon (and he prefers being called that) presents a lecture on Carl Jung's work. Any aspect.

For those that are too lazy to google Carl Jung, or look him up in the Wikipedia, he was a Swiss Psychiatrist specialising in the darker aspects of human behaviour. Specifically the subconcious, dream symbology and other unexplored aspects that make up: us.

Should be a nerve-wracking first lecture, as I haven't been to any form of school for close on 7 years. Scary hey?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I can see now

I'm so tired I've been squiting to read this as I type. Thank goodness for corrective measures with hefty price tags.

I've been recently self-diagnosed as a hermit. It's OK, they like me here, the cooking sucks though. The last two months have been in a total mindless and repetitive state, no, Ohio even. I've been chasing my pegasus as well as battling mediocrity. Two noble yet thoroughly pointless endeavours. I've been missing my writing, and reading, and socialising. And all those other normal non-hermit-like activities. Guess one doesn't write or read in groups though. Scratch that from the list.

I was browsing through some old photos, listening to some sombre music, when I literally cracked. At the office too. That's not healthy. No one saw me though. That's healthy. So many memories welling up inside me, my brim battling to contain the surge. Missing loved ones, totally unhealthy food, and the scent of adventure on the wind.

Crutches in armpits, full weight bearing down the alumninium struts. How funny the tracks must look in the sand. A walking tripod with rubber feet. Tracks, articificial tracks, no scent to discern. Tracks that lead nowhere, just plodding on. It's not the destination, it's the action. A noun, not a verb, fool. Comma abuse, I should be locked up, chained down and interrogated sideways. Too many questions hurt my overcrowded brain. My roads are full of ditches and potholes. There's no water on tap or electricity on plug, or is that socket. It's now twenty to bed-time, but I don't want to sleep. But I do. It's the waking I don't want to do. To sleep, perchance to have persistent nightmares. Sick. Where is my doctor?