meta - phorical / amphetamine

Stream of good chemicals, coursing through my veins, tickling my nerves.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

The Truth is in here

Jungian Philosophy: If I understand myself, I am better suited at understanding the world around me.
-- Thanks Darryl

Warcow and Magependragon kicked me in the ass and got me blogging. So here it is, my first official entry. Should I say what I feel, or censor things? I'd like to think I'm honest, but I worry about putting my thoughts online for all to see. Sure, I can cater for friends, registered users, but its the thought in general thats disturbing. A journal is inherently private, let's see how it goes.

The boys in blue

Smurfing is rampant in gaming, and as Karl suggested: "suits the introvert". I think its dishonourable, as a non-smurfer. I'd prefer to know who I'm playing against, I'd like to say Hi to clanmates and friends, not have them play as someone else behind my back. I can understand smurfing where those close to you know who you're playing as, it adds fun to the game by being cheddary with your nick. If you think smurfing gives you the right to be a total smacktard, please leave my planet.


I got thinking today about LiveJournal and DeviantArt. They're containers for thought and expression. We have online banking portals for our money, personal sites to store our CVs and portfolios. How long before you start storing other things within technology. What if the internet is a collective?! The internet cloud could form a charter of human history, a knowledge base of the human mind, a template of human existence. Scary. Next time we send a deep-space probe into the furthest reaches of our galaxy, we should send a censored copy of the internet along too :P


I wonder if any assessment has been done in South Africa regarding traffic, stress and the economy? I get stressed driving in bad traffic, often leaving me with a crap feeling when I finally arrive at work. Bad drivers are one thing, but a bad traffic system is worse. How difficult is it to synchronise traffic lights?! You leave the one robot, drive at the speed limit, and wham, greeted with another red robot. This not only is a total waste of petrol but puts more wear on the clutch, brakes, suspension etc. Even in a matrix of robots, there must be a way to synch them. Also something scary, is how often particular traffic lights fail, show incorrect lights, have missing lights. What about delivery systems? How much fat is added to the time taken to deliver a package?! Surely improving the time spent in traffic means you can deliver more per day!? Maybe I just think like a first world pig.


I subscribe to the idea that you are the product of your friends at any given time. You, or your friends outgrow each other, some friendships last forever, others were based on a need or a scenario. The same goes for music. I think about how much I've changed over the last 10 years and how my style of music has changed too. Sure, I still love rock, but I'm more open to other genres at the moment. Before I used to switch off to anything that didn't appeal to my explicit taste in grungy rock music. Now R&B / HipHop, Metal, heck even Pop has a place in my listening queue. Music, like a good friend is an awesome thing to have in life. Now if only I could find the mix between the two, my soulmate would be a rock ballad.


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